11.   The king did not specify whom he meant, but both Israel and the Palestinians have warned that continued violence could widen the conflict.

12.   French and US officials Monday discussed ways to strengthen and redirect the troubled United Nations mission in Bosnia-Hercegovina to avoid a withdrawal that could widen the conflict.

13.   In contrast to Washington, the French support retaining the authority of Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali to order airstrikes, which some belive could widen the conflict.

14.   But Marc Blondel, leader of the independent trade union Force Ouvriere, said he would await the outcome of the negotiations before considering widening the conflict.

15.   The administration of President Bill Clinton said lifting the ban would disrupt the North Atlantic Treaty Organization alliance, undercut peace negotiations underway and widen the conflict.

v. + conflict >>共 478
resolve 14.18%
end 12.00%
avoid 5.26%
settle 3.94%
solve 2.73%
prevent 2.73%
have 2.70%
see 2.22%
discuss 2.10%
create 1.84%
widen 0.38%
widen + n. >>共 333
gap 8.71%
lead 6.03%
scope 4.76%
war 3.72%
road 2.68%
rift 2.23%
deficit 2.08%
investigation 2.08%
search 1.93%
access 1.34%
conflict 1.12%
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