11.   They hold seminars on proper dress and can trouble shoot when necessary, like telling employees that wet hair and short skirts are a no-no.

v. + hair >>共 472
have 10.16%
cut 5.30%
wear 4.68%
comb 3.69%
pull 3.59%
do 3.28%
wash 2.66%
dye 2.38%
lose 2.04%
brush 2.01%
wet 0.34%
wet + n. >>共 117
foot 11.55%
bed 10.33%
market 7.29%
pant 6.08%
snow 4.56%
hand 3.34%
hair 3.34%
condition 2.74%
ground 2.13%
finger 2.13%
每页显示:    共 11