11.   Does Albert Fentress require inpatient care and treatment due to a real risk of substantial physical harm to his well being or others?

12.   Gatherings of his fellow humans have rarely inspired in Suhoza a sense of consolation and well being.

13.   It also sends case managers to visit children in the homes of their temporary caretakers, to develop a rapport with those children and ensure their well being.

14.   Rodale, based in Emmaus, Pennsylvania, also publishes books focusing on health and well being.

15.   The ancient samurai were not only inspired by the blossoms in their poetry, but would also willingly die in battle to defend their well being.

16.   The blessing of God can be money or health or simply a sense of well being and wholeness in relationship to God.

17.   The lack of faith in leadership comes as people say they worry about crime and their economic well being.

18.   The only CEOs invited to speak publicly were heads of companies that have displayed sensitivity to the well being of their employees.

19.   Their main preoccupations are career, love life and physical well being.

20.   Turning a tournament into a permanent Tiger-free zone is no way to assure its continued financial health and well being.

a. + being >>共 397
well 4.47%
living 3.35%
first 2.48%
whole 2.23%
alien 1.74%
supernatural 1.61%
very 1.61%
divine 1.49%
intelligent 1.49%
latter 1.36%
well + n. >>共 325
water 11.96%
being 5.19%
wisher 3.89%
erm 3.46%
site 1.73%
wish 1.59%
one 1.44%
student 1.30%
people 1.01%
man 1.01%
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