11.   Some welfare recipients -- Those with job skills could move rapidly into training, child care and job programs.

12.   Their plan would also soften the requirement that welfare recipients work.

13.   We see welfare recipients as our friends and allies.

14.   All welfare recipients who are able to work will be required to accept workfare assignments when the local government offers them.

15.   Allowing welfare recipients the opportunity to gain real skills is the most promising approach to getting families off welfare.

16.   Also under consideration is a plan to allow counties to do periodic drug tests on all welfare recipients.

17.   Also under the bill, welfare recipients would be limited to five years of cash benefits.

18.   Although many former welfare recipients found jobs in services or retail trade, they were working in the two lowest-paying sectors in the state.

19.   American Express is helping train welfare recipients for jobs at a Pennsylvania mall.

20.   An assessment program to measure the skill levels of welfare recipients, and training programs to upgrade those skills.

n. + recipient >>共 129
welfare 72.10%
transplant 3.85%
aid 2.47%
organ 1.79%
award 1.24%
grant 1.17%
loan 1.10%
heart 1.03%
gift 0.69%
scholarship 0.62%
welfare + n. >>共 448
recipient 13.61%
reform 11.20%
system 6.27%
program 5.94%
benefit 5.79%
bill 5.05%
law 3.71%
roll 3.24%
payment 2.43%
mother 2.13%
每页显示:    共 1043