11.   Credit RiskAnother indirect cost from a weakened currency and economy is creditrisk.

12.   He knew full well the result would be weakened currency, higher unemployment and economic recession.

13.   He knew full well the result would be soaring inflation, a weakened currency and higher unemployment.

14.   He said slowing economies and weakened currencies in Asia will mean American companies will sell less in Asia and Asian companies will sell more in America.

15.   In exchange, they pledged to raise interest rates to bolster weakened currencies, pare government spending and repair damaged banking systems.

16.   In a joint statement, Japanese and Taiwanese delegates vowed to seek more cooperation and to avoid intense trade competition despite their weakened currencies.

17.   Liquidity risk caused by a weakened currency is generally less visible butthe adverse impact for some can be painful.

18.   Mahathir wants to increase trade in local currencies as a means of reducing the amount of debt accrued by the countries when converting their weakened currencies into dollars.

19.   The chemical company reduced its earnings projections for the year on Thursday, citing higher fuel prices, weakened foreign currencies and soft markets for its products.

20.   The mood in Manila was especially gloomy because the country faces problems with its own weakened currency, the peso, and rising interest rates.

a. + currency >>共 460
major 11.95%
single 11.58%
european 10.32%
foreign 9.65%
local 3.94%
asian 3.51%
new 3.12%
regional 2.84%
common 2.57%
national 2.40%
weakened 0.12%
weakened + n. >>共 233
economy 9.34%
state 3.77%
condition 3.61%
currency 3.31%
form 3.01%
position 2.56%
team 2.56%
demand 2.56%
virus 2.41%
president 2.26%
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