11.   Japan has historically been reluctant to take responsibility for wartime atrocities, and some prominent Japanese officials contend that the incident in Nanking never happened.

12.   Rated R for language, brief nudity and wartime atrocities.

13.   Prosecutors had argued that he was killed to prevent any trials over wartime atrocities.

14.   South Korea on Thursday canceled military exchanges with Japan after it refused to revise new middle-school textbooks that Koreans say gloss over wartime atrocities.

15.   Such silence is common to victims of wartime atrocities, historians say.

16.   The Japanese, belatedly and less rigorously, are beginning to teach their children the truth, in outline, about wartime atrocities.

17.   The project was supposed to ease criticisms that Japan had shirked its responsibility for wartime atrocities.

18.   The SS man begged Wiesenthal, as a Jew, to forgive his role in a wartime atrocity.

19.   Those who could be accused of having served in the Bosnian Serb army and therefore perhaps of having committed wartime atrocities have not taken the chance of returning.

20.   Unlike Germany, Japan has generally failed to acknowledge the extent of its wartime atrocities.

n. + atrocity >>共 32
wartime 48.33%
war 13.88%
apartheid-era 6.70%
rebel 5.26%
apartheid 3.83%
police 2.87%
army 2.39%
subway 1.91%
government 1.44%
prison 1.44%
wartime + n. >>共 514
leader 11.02%
atrocity 6.36%
experience 3.40%
commander 1.83%
enemy 1.76%
record 1.70%
service 1.70%
activity 1.51%
action 1.26%
foe 1.07%
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