11.   A high wall separates Casa from the coastal highway, and a cliff separates it from the Pacific Ocean.

12.   In the past business administration and public administration have been separated by walls.

13.   Other press reports said the wall would separate Jerusalem from the West Bank.

n. + separate >>共 546
couple 3.75%
point 3.67%
police 3.32%
parent 2.64%
fence 1.53%
line 1.45%
force 1.11%
company 1.11%
wall 1.11%
soldier 1.11%
wall + v. >>共 403
be 29.49%
collapse 6.92%
come 3.85%
have 2.92%
fall 2.10%
crumble 1.64%
go 1.54%
say 1.18%
stand 1.13%
become 1.13%
separate 0.67%
每页显示:    共 13