11.   Chains could not negotiate volume discounts, and most stayed away.

12.   Contractors also get huge volume discounts from components suppliers.

13.   Frequent flyer miles are an especially successful devise for increasing lock-in, a subtle form of volume discount.

14.   Girth gives a cable operator volume discounts on equipment and increasingly pricey programming like ESPN and HBO.

15.   It also blocks BT from taking full advantage of its current global alliance with MCI, because BT cannot capture the biggest possible volume discounts.

16.   It gets volume discounts on numerous goods and services, including cars, telephones and telephone service.

17.   ITT violated the partnership agreement by not telling John Hancock or Sumitomo about the payments and volume discounts, according to the suit.

18.   Large private health plans commonly use such managers to negotiate volume discounts.

19.   Lawyers for auto dealers insist that volume discounts would violate the Robinson-Patman Act, a Depression-era law that bars price discrimination.

20.   My wife asked the surgeon for a volume discount.

n. + discount >>共 151
volume 10.98%
price 10.02%
group 5.25%
bulk 3.58%
offer 3.58%
fare 3.34%
drug 2.39%
travel 2.15%
rate 2.15%
employee 1.91%
volume + n. >>共 166
growth 10.26%
discount 9.26%
control 9.05%
increase 4.23%
figure 3.82%
production 2.82%
level 2.41%
sale 2.41%
knob 2.21%
leader 1.81%
每页显示:    共 46