11.   Eye rubbing is just one sign of a possible vision problem.

12.   Eye screening did not indicate a vision problem.

13.   For about the last three decades, some people with color vision problems have used red tinted contact lenses.

14.   Green, a senior who gained a medical redshirt last season, is having vision problems that have led to academic problems.

15.   He also uses pwWebSpeak, a browser specially designed for people with vision problems.

16.   He was benched in one game last season because he was having problems handling punts directly over his head, where his doctor says the biggest vision problem exists.

17.   Hearing aids do not cure hearing loss any more than eye glasses or contact lenses cure vision problems.

18.   His own corner wanted to stop the fight because of the vision problem.

19.   How much humor can be derived by someone with vision problems is debatable.

20.   His military ambitions thwarted by vision problems, Clancy was selling insurance while plotting thrillers at his dining room table at night.

n. + problem >>共 955
health 11.61%
heart 4.65%
drug 2.79%
security 2.11%
computer 1.60%
safety 1.51%
knee 1.51%
image 1.25%
injury 1.12%
kidney 0.97%
vision 0.46%
vision + n. >>共 108
problem 18.16%
goggle 8.52%
system 8.30%
loss 7.40%
equipment 5.83%
thing 4.93%
test 4.04%
impairment 3.36%
device 3.14%
statement 1.79%
每页显示:    共 80