11.   In some respects, there will be visible changes in the judiciary.

12.   In that time, the most visible change in the execution process has been the eventual decline in public interest.

13.   It will take three to five years to see some visible change, as the insects build up their numbers through several generations.

14.   The influx has certainly brought visible change to some communities.

15.   The last year has seen the most visible change.

16.   The most visible change has come at Blockbuster, the biggest video store operator in the nation.

17.   The most visible changes Stratton has undertaken were to hire industry experts for companies such as oil exploration company Moravske Naftove Doly AS and paper company Sepap AS.

18.   The most visible change for the series is its title sponsors.

19.   The most visible change was clearing the floor of shoulder-to-shoulder rounders jammed with merchandise.

20.   The technology involves exposing a solution to potentially bacteria-ridden materials, then looking for a visible change.

a. + change >>共 804
major 5.67%
significant 3.47%
proposed 3.24%
big 2.49%
political 2.43%
radical 2.21%
dramatic 2.21%
constitutional 1.94%
fundamental 1.81%
sweeping 1.73%
visible 0.21%
visible + n. >>共 864
sign 7.61%
light 2.83%
role 2.39%
presence 2.26%
change 1.81%
symbol 1.77%
damage 1.55%
part 1.24%
progress 1.11%
injury 1.11%
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