11.   Minajres said the victims appeared to have been lured into a car by at least two people, then dumped.

12.   One victim appeared to have been beaten to death with a club, while the other had been slashed with a machete.

13.   The alleged victim did not appear for a court hearing the next day.

14.   The victims appeared to have been chosen randomly, their wallets and cash untouched.

15.   The victims appeared to have been in the crosswalk just off the corner, and several seemed to have been thrown by the impact of the crash.

16.   The victims appear to have been shot in the head at close range.

17.   Those victims appear to have died in recent years.

18.   While the Internet continues its explosive growth, the primary victim appears to be broadcast television news.

19.   With limited visibility, the victims could appear before the divers suddenly, their faces locked in some final expression.

20.   Police said the victims appeared to have been well equipped for the climb.

n. + appear >>共 1545
man 1.42%
government 1.09%
side 1.01%
name 0.98%
official 0.98%
investor 0.88%
attack 0.71%
leader 0.59%
report 0.59%
move 0.59%
victim 0.19%
victim + v. >>共 596
be 39.14%
die 5.46%
include 5.40%
have 3.96%
suffer 2.37%
say 1.95%
come 1.29%
remain 0.92%
appear 0.74%
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