11.   Most potential owners will spend the morning emptying dustbins and uncrumpling wrapping paper in the vain hope of unearthing the cherished-possession-to-be.

12.   It may have been a vain hope.

13.   Archer may have been ignoring the impeachment sideshow in the vain hope that it could be compartmentalized away.

14.   But that proved to be a vain hope.

15.   In the vain hope of inducing Syria to make peace with Israel, the United States has turned a blind eye to the Syrian occupation.

16.   It is a vain hope, mostly, because children notice things, and even in the daylight hours a few of the haggard women are plying their trade.

17.   Listening devices were deployed in vain hopes of picking up sounds from survivors.

18.   Most tulips peter out after three years, though the foliage continues to sprout and raise vain hopes.

19.   Probably a vain hope, given the momentum of new disclosures.

20.   Scientists have long known these to be vain hopes, but an assumption many have made is that technology can go on reducing the size of things indefinitely.

a. + hope >>共 722
high 13.69%
best 8.76%
only 7.91%
new 3.82%
false 3.20%
great 2.49%
last 2.49%
real 1.60%
renewed 1.49%
faint 1.29%
vain 0.69%
vain + n. >>共 49
attempt 34.65%
hope 15.35%
effort 10.40%
bid 6.44%
search 4.46%
man 1.49%
manhunt 1.49%
quest 1.49%
woman 1.49%
plea 0.99%
每页显示:    共 31