11.   Holden said he should have tried to use more volunteers instead of paid professionals.

12.   In some states, young volunteers are used to check if retailers are violating the law.

13.   It uses volunteers to help police departments, increase neighborhood watch programs and create medical and emergency teams to help in disaster situations.

14.   New volunteers would be used to expand neighborhood-based safety patrols, health screening and immunizations and disaster relief.

15.   Several education groups, among them the National Education Association and National School Boards Association, developed the plan to use teacher volunteers.

16.   The ethics of human research bar using human volunteers in a comparison study unless researchers honestly cannot say from available data which treatment is likely to prove better.

17.   The first phase of the trial will simply test the vaccine for safety, using healthy volunteers in the United States and South Africa.

18.   The group has hired Texas political campaign manager Robin Rorapaugh to manage the petition drive and will use volunteers as well as paid professionals to collect signatures.

19.   The museum has long used adult volunteers for everything from giving tours to de-rusting meteorites.

v. + volunteer >>共 234
recruit 8.21%
use 4.84%
have 3.67%
send 3.37%
need 3.23%
find 2.79%
organize 2.35%
train 2.20%
seek 2.20%
provide 1.76%
use + n. >>共 1468
money 3.08%
force 2.34%
technology 1.42%
drug 1.21%
name 1.17%
computer 1.08%
fund 1.06%
proceeds 0.84%
information 0.74%
method 0.72%
volunteer 0.04%
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