11.   The court ruled in October that electrocution violated the constitutional protection from cruel and usual punishment, prompting the state to begin using lethal injection.

12.   They then found their relationship in trouble when Steven began using penile injections.

13.   Thirty-two states use lethal injection.

14.   Though some forms of the condition can be controlled with changes in diet and exercise, other type II patients must use insulin injections to control their glucose levels.

15.   Though some forms of the condition can be controlled with changes in diet and exercise, other type II sufferers must use insulin injections to control their glucose levels.

16.   We used lethal injection instead.

17.   Williams would be the sixth person executed since the state began using lethal injection in late October.

18.   Yet some media experts said CNN could use an injection of new editorial blood, even if its center of gravity shifts to New York.

19.   Because mutations can occur, developed countries now only use vaccine injections.

20.   China and the United States are the only countries to use lethal injections.

v. + injection >>共 92
receive 19.09%
give 14.55%
use 6.55%
require 5.27%
get 5.27%
take 5.09%
have 4.73%
need 4.36%
administer 4.00%
involve 2.36%
use + n. >>共 1468
money 3.08%
force 2.34%
technology 1.42%
drug 1.21%
name 1.17%
computer 1.08%
fund 1.06%
proceeds 0.84%
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injection 0.04%
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