11.   It may also be used to block the entry of their executives and shareholders into the U.S.

12.   It might be used to block pornographic sites on the Internet.

13.   Kampa is a technician for Net Nanny Software International, a Vancouver, B.C.-based company which sells software used to block access to objectionable Web sites.

14.   Or drugs like morphine can be used to block the pain-sensing activities of the central nervous system.

15.   Or would Earnhardt find a single hole in the stifling high and low defense Martin used to block his pass on the narrow track?

16.   Parental controls can be used to block certain stations.

17.   RSA software is used to block unauthorized access to data in many products, such as the Netscape Internet browser and the personal finance program Quicken.

18.   SpamCop publishes a blacklist of spammers that ISPs can use to block them.

19.   The court now has a chance to define more precisely the valuable principle that executive privilege cannot be used to block duly appointed prosecutors except in carefully defined circumstances.

20.   The director also cannily uses blocking that accents the sense of court life as a continuing, closely watched public performance.

v. + block >>共 123
sue 19.44%
use 10.03%
fight 3.76%
work 3.13%
court 2.82%
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be 2.19%
intervene 2.19%
file 2.19%
lobby 2.19%
use + v. >>共 1194
make 6.49%
treat 2.74%
help 2.61%
pay 1.94%
buy 1.44%
be 1.40%
produce 1.34%
build 1.26%
finance 1.25%
create 1.11%
block 0.18%
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