11.   It has urged countries and territories on the list to commit themselves to cooperate in making changes by the end of July, said spokesman Nicholas Bray.

12.   Marine scientists on Tuesday urged countries with coral reefs to do more to protect them to avoid threatening the livelihood of millions of people.

13.   Mubarak urged countries first to settle border disputes and civil wars, some that have raged for more than a decade.

14.   Muratovic urged Islamic countries to pressure Croatia and Yugoslavia to live up to the commitments they made in signing the Dayton peace accords.

15.   Muratovic urged Islamic countries to pressure Croatia and Yugoslavia to live up to the commitments in the Dayton peace accords.

16.   Old Cold War foes on Wednesday bemoaned U.S.-Russian bickering over NATO air strikes and urged both countries to avoid mistakes of the bad old days.

17.   Ogata urged European countries not to reject Algerians fleeing uncontrolled terrorism and massacres.

18.   The Bush administration has urged African countries to work toward establishing solid credit ratings, in order to reduce risk and encourage investment.

19.   The chair of the meeting, Lebanese Interior Minister Elias Murr, also urged Arab countries who have not signed the convention to do so.

20.   The Digital Opportunity Initiative plan urges countries to copy portions of successful programs in Bangladesh, Brazil, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Estonia, India and Malaysia.

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