11.   Japan unveils supplementary budget with money for restructuring,

12.   Last week, the bailout came close to stalling when the government unveiled a budget short of reforms the plan required.

13.   Most Asian stock markets rallied Wednesday, with shares surging in Hong Kong after the government unveiled a budget that contained a corporate profits tax cut.

14.   Singapore -- Finance Minister Richard Hu unveils annual budget.

15.   The revision will be the second since the budget was unveiled by President Soeharto in early January.

16.   Indian industry is looking for a series of infrastructure-boosting measures that will kick-start the sagging economy when Finance Minister Yashwant Sinha unveils his annual budget this week.

17.   But, unlike most EU countries, it has yet to unveil its budget for next year.

18.   Chidambaram unveiled a budget Monday that sought to achieve a balance between continuing economic liberalisation and the alleviation of poverty.

19.   Deputy Finance Minister G. L. Peiris, who unveils the budget, may announce a series of new proposals to bridge the budget shortfall.

20.   Finance Minister Chris Liebenberg on Wednesday unveiled a budget geared to please foreign investors, trade unions and business interests by concentrating on financial discipline and job creation.

v. + budget >>共 519
balance 30.86%
cut 4.80%
approve 4.19%
pass 4.10%
have 2.04%
present 1.92%
slash 1.73%
increase 1.43%
adopt 1.15%
check 1.05%
unveil 0.52%
unveil + n. >>共 365
plan 24.64%
proposal 6.09%
measure 3.05%
plaque 2.78%
series 1.96%
package 1.90%
detail 1.69%
statue 1.56%
budget 1.49%
strategy 1.22%
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