11.   McCain says such unregulated donations are corrupting American politics.

12.   Rudy Giuliani has set up a political action committee to collect largely unregulated donations known as soft money.

13.   Soft money contributions are unregulated unlimited donations that can be given by corporations, individuals or political action committees to political parties.

14.   Soft money is unregulated donations that flow to the political parties from unions, corporations and wealthy individuals.

15.   Soft money is unregulated donations to political committees as opposed to candidates.

16.   Some Republicans, including Rep. Christopher Shays of Connecticut, have co-sponsored bills with Democrats that would ban large unregulated donations to political parties, known as soft money.

17.   That is an unregulated donation to political parties, often used in ways that directly benefit House and Senate candidates.

18.   The bill has at its centerpiece a ban on the unregulated donations to political parties known as soft money.

19.   The bill would, among other things, prohibit unregulated donations to the state and national parties.

20.   The measure would ban soft money, the unregulated donations to the national political parties.

a. + donation >>共 325
private 13.30%
political 8.74%
charitable 5.34%
large 4.76%
foreign 3.54%
corporate 3.54%
public 3.20%
illegal 2.86%
unlimited 2.48%
small 1.89%
unregulated 1.50%
unregulated + n. >>共 164
donation 8.16%
contribution 7.11%
money 6.32%
market 5.26%
industry 3.16%
business 2.63%
campaign 2.11%
power 2.11%
company 1.84%
fund 1.84%
每页显示:    共 31