11.   This may result in unnecessary surgery for some women, but even this serious consequence seems acceptable if the test is saving the lives of other women.

12.   Yet many doctors take aggressive action, removing the lump and sometimes even the entire breast, subjecting some women to unnecessary surgery that carries risks of its own.

13.   ADMINISTRATORS at a public hospital are being sued for millions of dollars by a boy who claims his life has been wrecked by unnecessary surgery.

14.   Although the CT technique picked up many nodules that were not cancerous, nobody underwent unnecessary surgery.

15.   Being too aggressive in treatment may lead to unnecessary surgery and possibly to side effects such as incontinence or impotence.

16.   Other outraged users compared the scan to unnecessary surgery.

17.   Staff at Queen Elizabeth Hospital are accused of subjecting the boy to unnecessary surgery, failing to give him proper treatment and exposing him to life-threatening injury.

18.   The brothers have been accused of performing unnecessary surgeries and concealing complications arising from the operations, as well as research fraud.

a. + surgery >>共 426
arthroscopic 12.58%
back 6.86%
emergency 6.80%
reconstructive 5.85%
cosmetic 5.49%
major 3.79%
minor 3.38%
hip 3.14%
successful 2.93%
abdominal 2.54%
unnecessary 0.39%
unnecessary + n. >>共 530
risk 3.65%
suffering 1.94%
force 1.79%
expense 1.63%
cost 1.56%
delay 1.48%
surgery 1.40%
roughness 1.40%
treatment 1.32%
burden 1.24%
每页显示:    共 18