11.   Scinto was charged with unlawful restraint and third-degree assault.

12.   Scinto was charged with assault, two counts of conspiracy and one count each of first- and second-degree unlawful restraint.

13.   The suspect, Troy Crooms, was charged with burglary, first-degree sexual assault, kidnapping, assault, unlawful restraint and possession of a weapon.

14.   Troy Crooms was charged with burglary, sexual assault, kidnapping, assault, unlawful restraint and possession of a weapon following the nearly eight-hour standoff.

15.   Troy Crooms was charged with burglary, first-degree sexual assault, kidnapping, assault, unlawful restraint and possession of a weapon following the nearly eight-hour standoff.

16.   Troy Crooms was charged with burglary, sexual assault, kidnapping, assault, unlawful restraint and possession of a weapon.

17.   Winsor was accused of unlawful restraint and sexual imposition.

a. + restraint >>共 328
fiscal 7.49%
prior 5.14%
spending 3.69%
maximum 2.91%
new 2.23%
physical 2.01%
great 1.90%
judicial 1.90%
unlawful 1.90%
military 1.79%
unlawful + n. >>共 144
possession 6.64%
assembly 5.77%
imprisonment 5.24%
flight 4.55%
act 4.20%
arrest 4.20%
killing 4.02%
entry 3.50%
use 3.32%
combatant 3.32%
restraint 2.97%
每页显示:    共 17