11.   State universities currently consider race, sometimes to the exclusion of other factors, in offering admissions.

12.   Still, educators estimate that at least seven British universities are seriously considering having to charge tuition within the next few years.

13.   The Chronicle reported at the time that the university was seriously considering eliminating the SAT requirement.

14.   While universities once considered their students a captive clientele, that is no longer true.

15.   But the university still informally considers race among the many factors in determining which students are admitted.

16.   Facing financial difficulties, the university has considered cutting some programs.

17.   Grider has said the university is considering installing sprinklers in Boland Hall.

18.   Grider has said the university will consider installing them and Gov. Christie Whitman has said she would likely endorse legislation requiring sprinklers at all state college dormitories.

19.   He said the university would consider expelling or firing students or staff who consistently ignored no smoking regulations.

20.   Malloy said the university has been considering the changes in the athletic department for sometime, but the NCAA probation accelerated the decision.

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university 0.23%
university + v. >>共 607
be 11.20%
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