11.   Sanchez said he felt that Televisa was trying to intimidate him to prevent an unfavorable ruling on its expansion plans.

12.   The Cowboys will appeal in the event of an unfavorable ruling, he said.

13.   The same fear would govern retaliation under the Trade Organization even though the United States would not resort to the legal nicety of blocking unfavorable rulings.

14.   The tobacco giant slumped after an unfavorable ruling from a Florida court that could force the tobacco industry to pay lump-sum damages in a class action suit.

15.   They said they saw no reason to abstain from reviewing Moore simply because he had joined in rulings unfavorable to their firms.

16.   This is far more than its predecessor handled, mostly because losers then could stonewall unfavorable rulings without facing sanctions.

17.   But after unfavorable rulings in federal court here, the American Booksellers Association, which represented the independent stores, dropped the suit.

18.   Elsewhere, the Supreme Court issued two rulings unfavorable to Clinton.

19.   Its predecessor, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, gave countries more options to evade unfavorable rulings on violations of trade agreements.

20.   Maric could not be reached Sunday for comment, but has indicated that he would appeal an unfavorable ruling to the Supreme Court.

a. + ruling >>共 385
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such 2.57%
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unfavorable + n. >>共 129
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