11.   Nevertheless, they asserted that the Constitution gives women the right to choose abortion free of undue legal burdens and harassing protesters.

12.   Nor is it true, as Energy claims, that the higher cost of the more efficient units would place an undue burden on low-income consumers.

13.   She fears the science will place an undue burden on the women who donate their eggs for the experiments.

14.   The court found that all three state laws placed an undue burden on abortion rights by outlawing even the procedures most commonly used prior to fetal viability.

15.   The law was challenged as an undue burden on the right to abortion.

16.   The NRA opposes licensing and registration, saying it is an undue burden on law-abiding citizens and unlikely to affect the criminals with guns.

17.   Opponents say the bill is too limited and places an undue burden on pharmacists, whose profit margin is much narrower than that of drug manufacturers.

18.   Industry groups said privacy regulation could hinder the ability of the Internet to respond quickly to new consumer demands and would impose undue burdens on companies.

19.   Interpreters, assistive listening devices and written materials must be provided unless it would result in an undue burden.

20.   Labor officials contend the new standards do not place an undue burden on employers because companies need not take preventive action against hazardous conditions.

a. + burden >>共 325
financial 14.90%
heavy 10.99%
additional 2.84%
added 2.68%
extra 2.53%
greater 2.42%
unfair 2.27%
new 2.11%
economic 1.96%
regulatory 1.91%
undue 1.44%
undue + n. >>共 146
influence 16.40%
pressure 12.17%
hardship 5.64%
burden 4.94%
risk 4.06%
attention 2.82%
stress 2.47%
concern 2.12%
strain 1.94%
delay 1.94%
每页显示:    共 28