11.   Eventually, our boat got turned back over and the crew reunited.

12.   He got the Royals in order just once, the eighth, then turned it over to Percival for the ninth.

13.   Hubbell said he could not remember what kinds of legal work the records described, and said he had recently turned them over to the independent counsel.

14.   I turned over my lightning-bolt TCB pin.

15.   In fact, he jerked the covers and turned over, muttering something about me being down-right rude.

16.   In fact, assuming you have turf grass sod and not a mat of perennial weeds, just turning it over should have worked, too.

17.   In the case of abandoned carts, police can confiscate them and take valuables to police property rooms or turn them over to DPW.

18.   Judge Joseph DeUlloa ordered the four billing companies to turn over whatever funds they have collected for Telmatch.

19.   More important, he has found enthusiasm for his argument that America took a wrong turn when it turned over caring for the poor to government.

20.   Meanwhile, the IRS has yet to take any enforcement actions to make the business owners withhold taxes and turn them over.

v. + over >>共 975
take 6.05%
hand 4.63%
divide 2.08%
fight 1.81%
look 1.71%
develop 1.09%
disagree 0.91%
win 0.88%
cook 0.87%
resign 0.80%
turn 0.20%
turn + p. >>共 80
for 30.01%
in 16.29%
around 9.17%
with 5.44%
as 4.54%
on 3.76%
after 3.67%
into 2.55%
over 2.49%
down 2.00%
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