11.   Israel tries various means to rein in Hezbollah.

12.   Prosecutors contend that Roach violated several police procedures and should have tried other means of stopping Thomas before shooting him.

13.   There are lots of jobs in sales for people willing to try unconventional means.

14.   He said the organisation had tried other means to promote rights but had failed, since Swazi police rejected court orders to that effect.

v. + mean >>共 322
have 18.29%
use 13.92%
do 8.99%
provide 5.99%
justify 4.62%
find 4.24%
lack 2.50%
say 1.37%
discuss 1.37%
offer 1.31%
try 0.87%
try + n. >>共 1596
hand 6.47%
case 6.01%
best 4.95%
suspect 2.77%
luck 2.66%
thing 2.16%
man 1.49%
approach 1.45%
time 1.35%
variety 1.01%
mean 0.23%
每页显示:    共 14