11.   But as his trial progressed, it often seemed irrelevant that two young people were slashed to death.

n. + progress >>共 362
talk 4.77%
day 4.51%
season 4.42%
game 4.33%
work 3.80%
disease 3.01%
negotiation 2.56%
week 1.59%
case 1.50%
year 1.50%
trial 0.97%
trial + v. >>共 459
be 27.85%
begin 12.62%
take 4.35%
resume 3.98%
continue 3.42%
end 3.37%
open 3.09%
start 2.40%
last 2.14%
go 2.09%
progress 0.19%
每页显示:    共 11