11.   A friend of Jones who asked not to be named said Jones had complained that his treatment for HIV consisted mostly of antidepressant medications.

12.   Common postsurgical treatment consists of the administration of radioactive iodine.

13.   Modern treatment does not consist of the dreaded into-the-stomach injections of yesteryear, Ms. Smith noted, but rather of injections around the wound.

14.   The preventive treatment consists of older drugs like AZT taken in combination with newer drugs such as protease inhibitors.

15.   The treatment consists of a six-month course of interferon injections and ribavirin capsules.

16.   The treatment consists of drugs that are already used to treat other diseases, and it has already been given to two patients.

17.   Thus far, his treatment consists of rest and medication, but the pacemaker option remains a strong possbility.

18.   Treatment then will consist of a daily aspirin and wearing elastic support stockings.

19.   Treatment consists of taking off the offending jewelry and putting a cortisone cream on the rash, Cohen said.

20.   Treatment usually consists of individual and group counseling.

n. + consist >>共 1044
group 4.33%
team 3.11%
system 1.29%
panel 1.06%
treatment 1.06%
device 1.02%
board 0.99%
meal 0.95%
commission 0.91%
diet 0.87%
treatment + v. >>共 341
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help 1.80%
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