11.   Even there in the closet, the wind tossed her hair.

12.   She tossed her hair back.

13.   Tossing his hair, he banged on a chord and lifted his hand with a dramatic flourish.

14.   Zellweger stands barefoot on the couch, mouths into a phantom microphone and tosses her hair around.

v. + hair >>共 472
have 10.16%
cut 5.30%
wear 4.68%
comb 3.69%
pull 3.59%
do 3.28%
wash 2.66%
dye 2.38%
lose 2.04%
brush 2.01%
toss 0.43%
toss + n. >>共 770
ball 6.30%
grenade 3.70%
head 1.96%
bomb 1.78%
coin 1.60%
racket 1.51%
football 1.46%
flower 1.37%
salad 1.14%
bottle 1.10%
hair 0.64%
每页显示:    共 14