11.   Ethnic Albanian lawyers charged Friday that Serbian police brutally tortured terrorist suspects while in custody in tense Kosovo province.

12.   Gen. Juan Rafael Folch Hubieral, head of the National Drug Directorate, was dismissed amid allegations his narcotics squad routinely tortured drug suspects.

13.   Human rights groups had complained about Ismaylov, charging that he and other police tortured criminal suspects.

14.   Human rights group outside the country accuse the police of routinely torturing suspects, a charge the government denies.

15.   International human rights groups have reported that the Turkish army and police routinely torture suspects arrested in the region, a charge confirmed by the U.S. official.

16.   No soldier or police officer, besides Gutierrez, is in jail for allegedly torturing suspects, he said.

17.   Police systematically torture their suspects and regularly detain thousands of political prisoners even after their acquittals, an Egyptian human rights group said Monday.

18.   Prosecutors have launched criminal proceedings against police officers accused of torturing a suspect to death, a news agency reported Thursday.

19.   The group also claims that police routinely torture suspects.

20.   The sweeps have been strongly criticized by human rights organizations and Western governments, which have accused the military of conducting arbitrary arrests and torturing suspects.

v. + suspect >>共 429
arrest 18.74%
identify 7.65%
detain 5.81%
have 4.99%
hold 3.04%
extradite 2.85%
try 2.75%
charge 2.45%
name 2.39%
question 2.37%
torture 0.49%
torture + n. >>共 149
prisoner 13.27%
suspect 6.86%
detainee 4.35%
inmate 3.66%
victim 3.66%
activist 3.43%
people 3.20%
man 2.97%
opponent 2.75%
woman 2.06%
每页显示:    共 30