11.   Rwanda and the Congolese Tutsi fighters, called Banyamulenge, backed Kabila last year on his way to toppling dictator Mobutu Sese Seko, but have since grown disaffected.

12.   The deal has been widely criticized in Romania, which is still struggling with serious economic problems nine years after the revolution that toppled Communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu.

13.   The massacres allegedly occurred during the eight-month conflict that toppled longtime dictator Mobutu Sese Seko last May.

14.   The war toppled longtime dictator Mobutu Sese Seko, putting Kabila in power.

15.   Thousands of angry workers protested for the third consecutive day Thursday in western Romania, where unrest five years ago triggered the bloody revolt that toppled dictator Nicolae Ceausescu.

16.   Two years later, the governments of Uganda and Rwanda helped rebels topple dictator Mobutu Sese Seko in Zaire, now known as Congo.

17.   Two years after toppling longtime dictator Mobutu Sese Seko with promises of reform and democracy, Kabila is under siege.

18.   The Romanian general credited with toppling dictator Nicolae Ceaucsescu hit the headlines again Friday, with the Romanian press charging he had fled the country amid a corruption scandal.

19.   They joined ranks to topple Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu five years ago this month, but have since gone their separate ways in politics or business.

20.   The protests in which thousands of Resita residents demonstrated for eight days running, coincided with the fifth anniversary of the uprising which toppled communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu.

v. + dictator >>共 92
oust 17.29%
topple 9.35%
overthrow 7.48%
support 3.27%
depose 2.80%
include 2.80%
back 2.34%
praise 2.34%
take 1.87%
try 1.87%
topple + n. >>共 198
government 39.29%
regime 4.59%
doe 3.37%
tree 3.27%
president 2.35%
dictator 2.04%
wall 2.04%
leader 1.84%
line 1.53%
communism 1.33%
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