11.   Like hundreds of other motorists, the driver of a tour bus tooted his horn in support.

12.   Like summertime ice cream trucks, they blow whistles or toot horns to signal their arrival.

13.   No wonder so many chose to drive around the block tooting their horns at the mayor.

14.   Once the last horn is tooted, what remains but the novelty of writing the date with odd-looking numbers?

15.   One fire truck tooted its horn to a salsa beat, and spectators picked up the rhythm with their claps and whistles.

16.   Should you use the opportunity to toot your horn?

17.   Some were tooting their horns at neighborhood kids on their bikes to get out of their way.

18.   Someone, he remembered with a smile, even tooted the horn.

19.   The firetruck toots its horn.

20.   The tour boats began to toot their horns as they passed.

v. + horn >>共 121
honk 36.59%
blow 11.49%
lock 11.10%
blare 4.76%
toot 3.70%
beep 3.17%
use 2.91%
have 1.85%
blast 1.72%
honking 1.06%
toot + n. >>共 7
horn 77.78%
trumpet 5.56%
whistle 5.56%
swim 2.78%
tuba 2.78%
tune 2.78%
way 2.78%
每页显示:    共 28