11.   The total return from a security in a future time period is dependent on a series of anticipated and unanticipated events.

12.   The resource loading can be shown for a single assignment or the entire plan, with actuals, plans and overloads by time period.

13.   Creep can be defined as a progressive increase in strain, observed over an extended time period, in a polymer subjected to a constant stress.

14.   Some caution should be applied when comparing histological data from the two time periods.

15.   As reported in other studies, there was a predominance of intestinal type tumours associated with chronic inflammation in both time periods studied.

16.   The choice of the time period for migration is very important.

17.   The time period that funds can be invested is critical in maximizing the returns from investments.

18.   What determines the budget time period?

19.   The approach does, however, emphasize the importance of time periods.

20.   Am I sufficiently interested in my question or topic to keep me interested over the necessary time period?

n. + period >>共 668
time 7.80%
transition 6.92%
holiday 2.80%
five-year 2.74%
peak 2.70%
six-month 2.48%
trial 2.44%
three-year 2.44%
incubation 2.14%
comment 2.10%
time + n. >>共 1490
period 2.92%
trial 2.78%
slot 1.77%
line 1.32%
difference 1.26%
rate 1.11%
constraint 0.88%
one 0.82%
at 0.79%
hand 0.69%
每页显示:    共 388