11.   But in this one case, it cast a painful vote for absolutes in the battle against performance-enhancing drugs.

12.   But the real distinctions between these four cases reflect international politics as much as interests of justice.

13.   But these three cases were far bigger than any others, and the settlement agreements were the only ones not shown to health department lawyers.

14.   But these two cases are not exactly pioneering examples.

15.   But these three cases are not the only ones in which such plans have been spared.

16.   Insiders said the main stumbling block was preserving copyright, which the rulings in these two cases appear to bolster.

17.   In this one case, he wanted the log to include a graphic description of the sexual act contained in the material that was being deleted.

18.   It was weird that after my book came out, these two cases came back up.

19.   One thing that the Gibsons and voting rights advocates agree on is that these two cases opened up the entire body of voting rights law to questions.

20.   So in these two cases, the offerings of Carol and Valarie were not only customer matches, they were the best merchandise on the market.

a. + case >>共 931
criminal 5.34%
first 3.40%
new 2.75%
similar 2.60%
the 2.49%
civil 2.00%
recent 1.94%
antitrust 1.66%
extreme 1.54%
such 1.47%
this 0.14%
this + n. >>共 920
team 4.45%
man 3.61%
country 2.46%
guy 2.07%
game 1.86%
company 1.61%
group 1.30%
people 1.16%
factor 1.16%
time 1.05%
case 0.98%
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