11.   As these compliments were relayed to Rivera in an almost empty clubhouse at Shea Stadium on Thursday, a smile creased his thin lips.

12.   But Cartlidge, with her closely set dark eyes, thin lips and air of guarded self-containment, is just one step away from being plain.

13.   Jutting chin raised, thin lips fixed in a contemptuous smirk, Milosevic sat flanked by two guards before seven empty chairs intended for his lawyers.

14.   She smiles broadly, thin lips very red, and in her lilting County Clare accent, negotiates with the manager.

15.   The Canton, Ga., nurse used to struggle to make the best of her thin lips and meager eyebrows.

16.   The slender man with thin lips and haunted eyes had the kind of childhood one longs to escape from.

17.   He pours milk into a thin lip on the top of a white marble rectangle.

a. + lip >>共 276
lower 16.31%
upper 12.10%
red 4.72%
dry 2.77%
pursed 2.67%
swollen 2.36%
loose 2.26%
fat 1.85%
thin 1.74%
full 1.54%
thin + n. >>共 844
layer 7.38%
air 5.97%
slice 5.16%
line 4.08%
coat 3.10%
strip 3.02%
ice 2.02%
stream 1.86%
volume 1.76%
film 1.39%
lip 0.43%
每页显示:    共 17