11.   Mulder volunteered in a teen suicide prevention program called the Yellow Ribbon Program.

12.   Plano was wracked by a cluster of teen suicides, followed by a wave of teen heroin overdose deaths.

13.   Palau, at ease and animated on stage, often peppers his preaching with references to contemporary culture and societal problems like divorce and teen suicide.

14.   Sattem and other experts said the best defense against teen suicide is early intervention to help kids who are at risk.

15.   She attended Brookline High School, where her activities included an outreach program to prevent teen suicides.

16.   Teen suicide has tripled as divorces have tripled.

17.   The book cites, with calculated half-heartedness, some statistics about teen suicides.

18.   The book also deals with teen suicide, death in a family, stepfamilies and custody issues, single parents, grandparents as parents and racism.

19.   The teen suicide rate goes through the roof.

20.   The writing exercise, teachers have told the authors, may also have helped head off a number of potential teen suicides.

a. + suicide >>共 371
palestinian 13.46%
assisted 12.28%
mass 5.42%
physician-assisted 4.89%
apparent 4.33%
attempted 3.74%
committed 3.68%
recent 2.80%
deadly 2.62%
doctor-assisted 2.62%
teen 0.82%
teen + n. >>共 383
pregnancy 12.31%
smoking 8.30%
year 5.84%
idol 3.80%
mother 2.60%
girl 2.46%
magazine 2.25%
suicide 1.97%
drug 1.97%
driver 1.48%
每页显示:    共 28