11.   Universities there have started teaching the subject in English in an attempt to attract students from all over the world and so far they appear to be succeeding.

12.   We believe that it is educationally wrong to teach a subject in isolation without linking it to the outside world.

13.   As she complained loudly about the delay, a woman standing at the next sink scrutinized her with a canny gaze and asked what subject she taught.

14.   -- Schools are allowed to teach sexual abstinence and contraception, but the subjects cannot be taught as religious tenets.

15.   After a year of that, she refused to teach the subject and returned to her main interest, international tax law.

16.   All academic subjects are taught only in English to students in the program.

17.   But too many districts then go ahead and assign them to teach other subjects.

18.   Certainly this makes large scholarly demands on those who would teach the subject, and assuredly much of the teaching of the Holocaust falls short of this standard.

19.   Clinton wants assurances that teachers are qualified to teach their subjects.

20.   He said the state would continue to hire local agencies to teach subjects like first aid and CPR.

v. + subject >>共 447
change 9.94%
broach 6.16%
raise 6.16%
discuss 5.52%
address 3.36%
study 2.94%
teach 2.76%
bring 2.02%
cover 1.93%
tackle 1.84%
teach + n. >>共 829
class 7.32%
child 6.20%
course 5.99%
student 3.20%
skill 2.96%
lesson 2.82%
history 2.60%
law 1.75%
school 1.49%
subject 1.42%
每页显示:    共 60