11.   According to Davis, in order to work properly, the B.F. Goodrich system functions best with the older FAA system.

12.   Britz said that the Big Board has several technical failures each day but they rarely cause even the slightest blip because backup systems usually function perfectly.

13.   But even if several of the servers were attacked at once, the system would still function, they said.

14.   Exactly how such a system would function is unclear.

15.   Flight controllers reported that all systems were functioning normally and that the shuttle was on course to meet the Mir.

16.   If all the instruments work as designed, scientists will get the clearest picture they have ever had of how the earth-ocean-atmosphere system functions.

17.   In fact, the system has long functioned without full disclosure by consumers and insurance agents.

18.   In Kenya, where the public bus system barely functions and most people cannot afford cars, they are the main means of transportation for the vast majority.

19.   Most European systems function across entire countries, not just several cities or states.

20.   Most Americans do not believe the criminal justice system functions this ludicrously.

n. + function >>共 448
system 5.58%
government 2.90%
kidney 1.79%
market 1.56%
brain 1.34%
service 1.12%
organization 1.12%
lung 1.00%
cell 1.00%
school 1.00%
system + v. >>共 725
be 25.00%
work 4.60%
have 4.07%
allow 2.15%
use 1.82%
fail 1.48%
make 1.44%
need 1.42%
provide 1.31%
require 1.03%
function 0.33%
每页显示:    共 50