11.   Debate about the depots swirled from the real or perceived danger from the Soviets to speculation about a treasure hunt for the gold supposedly hidden with the guns.

12.   Fire swirled from the building as police fought their way through a shower of firebombs and rocks thrown by students perched on the roof.

13.   Storms sliced across the Southeast coast early Tuesday while an arc of unsettled weather swirled from the Missouri Valley to the Ohio Valley.

v. + from >>共 1015
learn 3.51%
make 3.43%
die 3.01%
ban 2.92%
hang 1.50%
profit 1.45%
shy_away 1.36%
disappear 1.35%
report 1.33%
watch 1.22%
swirl 0.02%
swirl + p. >>共 51
around 43.15%
in 12.99%
about 6.29%
through 5.38%
with 3.55%
into 3.55%
for 3.45%
over 2.23%
to 1.62%
on 1.42%
from 1.32%
每页显示:    共 13