11.   Hundreds of police in riot gear and shields, some on horseback, waded into the group on the square, swinging batons to break up the melee.

12.   On Wednesday police also fired tear gas and swung batons to disperse hundreds of rock-throwing protesters at the Defense Ministry, not far from the presidential palace.

13.   Officials also fear that television images of helmeted riot police throwing tear gas and swinging batons at workers armed with metal pipes and firebombs could scare away foreign investors.

14.   On Wednesday police fired tear gas and swung batons to disperse hundreds of rock-throwing protesters at the Defense Ministry, not far from the palace.

15.   Police hurling tear-gas grenades and swinging batons broke up a demonstration Tuesday by high school students demanding freedom for fellow students arrested in an earlier protest.

16.   Police swung bamboo batons to disperse the crowd.

17.   Riot police in the capital of Jakarta fired tear gas at one group of demonstrators and ran into the crowd, swinging batons.

18.   The demonstrators threw bottles and stones at riot police, who swung their batons and eventually used tear gas to disperse the crowd.

19.   Witnesses said police swung batons and fired tear gas after a crude homemade bomb went off.

20.   The police fired tear gas grenades, swung batons and fired rubber bullets.

v. + baton >>共 63
use 29.52%
wield 9.64%
pass 8.13%
swing 6.33%
take 6.02%
carry 4.82%
drop 3.61%
twirl 3.01%
hand 2.71%
wave 2.71%
swing + n. >>共 277
bat 20.68%
club 7.55%
arm 3.60%
leg 3.15%
way 2.88%
stick 2.52%
voter 2.16%
vote 1.98%
ball 1.89%
baton 1.89%
每页显示:    共 21