11.   The swelling subsided between starts, but it was not his best day against the Rockies.

12.   Their right-hander could be lost for the season, but more will be known after the swelling subsides and Dreifort is examined more closely.

13.   Their update, based on a week of observation as the brain swelling has subsided, included clearly optimistic signs.

14.   Thigpen said the swelling has subsided.

15.   Although the season-ending injury will require surgery once the swelling subsides, Street already has begun rehabilitation.

16.   Doctors removed a blood clot from his brain but he was in a coma and in critical condition for five days while the potentially fatal brain swelling subsided.

17.   Doctors kept him in a coma until the brain swelling subsided, but then he got pneumonia.

18.   Dr. Sergio Gegembauer, a neurologist at Sao Lucas, said the operation would take place after the swelling subsides.

19.   However, Jeffers said the swelling is subsiding and he hopes to return to practice in two weeks.

20.   Olajuwon will begin an intensive rehabilitation program once the swelling subsides.

n. + subside >>共 335
violence 7.84%
pain 5.52%
water 3.00%
wind 3.00%
swelling 2.23%
rain 2.03%
tension 2.03%
crisis 1.94%
storm 1.65%
symptom 1.65%
swelling + v. >>共 30
go 26.32%
be 24.81%
subside 17.29%
recede 3.01%
begin 2.26%
cause 2.26%
continue 2.26%
dissipate 2.26%
keep 2.26%
lump 1.50%
每页显示:    共 23