11.   Each suspect denied belonging to the support network for the Armed Islamic Group, often known by its French initials, GIA.

12.   From the provincial jail in Isabela, the suspects denied any involvement with the Abu Sayyaf and said they were not aware of any charges against them.

13.   He said the suspect has denied any connection to the stabbings.

14.   However, the suspects denied that they know the original source of the Picassos or how the Iraqi owner managed to get them.

15.   In most cases, the suspects deny the information was secret.

16.   On Wednesday, the suspect denied any involvement in the July poisoning, Miyamoto said.

17.   Serb war crimes suspect denies killings in Keraterm camp.

18.   The other suspects also have denied the charges, most of them saying they confessed under duress.

19.   The other two suspects denied their involvement in the kidnapping.

20.   The other two suspects denied involvement in the kidnapping.

n. + deny >>共 544
official 18.30%
government 9.67%
company 4.30%
spokesman 3.54%
authority 2.90%
police 2.32%
leader 2.13%
army 1.87%
military 1.79%
group 1.77%
suspect 0.36%
suspect + v. >>共 495
be 29.70%
have 4.49%
remain 3.03%
flee 2.68%
face 2.51%
include 1.80%
say 1.73%
tell 1.40%
appear 1.30%
confess 1.25%
deny 1.13%
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