11.   By removing his name from active consideration, Boutros-Ghali would not have to see his support dwindle in a series of Security Council votes.

12.   By removing his name from active consideration, Boutros-Ghali would not see his support dwindle in a series of votes.

13.   But their support has been dwindling slowly since Netanyahu began signing land-for-peace deals.

14.   Ur said the rebels were still in control, but support was dwindling.

15.   It also provides a major boost for the game back home which has struggled financially as support dwindled.

n. + dwindle >>共 304
number 12.01%
supply 8.13%
population 2.79%
reserve 2.67%
crowd 2.31%
revenue 1.94%
support 1.82%
stock 1.58%
audience 1.33%
rank 1.21%
support + v. >>共 380
be 45.53%
come 6.04%
grow 2.24%
help 2.05%
remain 1.29%
seem 1.25%
appear 1.14%
erode 1.03%
have 0.91%
go 0.76%
dwindle 0.57%
每页显示:    共 15