11.   Four votes needed to be changed from abstentions into votes against the Chinese motion for a substantive discussion on the U.S. resolution to move ahead.

12.   However, union people who have attended bargaining sessions said that Harrington never has participated in substantive discussions about tax proposals, leaving those to other committee members.

13.   Imagine a substantive discussion of the influence of the gay vote, an issue just touched on in the first episode.

14.   Meanwhile, Democratic critics say the one-day visit suggests the president may be more inclined to a positive photo opportunity than a substantive discussion.

15.   Officials said the meetings had been brief and had not involved extended substantive discussions of the stalled Middle East peace negotiations.

16.   Officials with Butler in Baghdad said that he never got to have a substantive discussion with the Iraqi team, led by Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz.

17.   She went to her only interview with an immigration judge without having had a substantive discussion about her case with a lawyer.

18.   The clips of tape switched from event to event without showing substantive discussions between Clinton and his guests.

19.   The daily talk shows have very little substantive discussion about the Red Sox, which was not the case in the past.

20.   There will be plenty of glitzy, made-for-TV moments, she said, but there will also be many substantive discussions about volunteerism.

a. + discussion >>共 801
further 6.19%
public 4.99%
political 2.92%
serious 2.92%
informal 2.55%
preliminary 2.54%
open 1.61%
detailed 1.55%
private 1.47%
heated 1.43%
substantive 0.85%
substantive + n. >>共 233
issue 13.18%
talk 5.84%
negotiation 5.63%
change 5.42%
discussion 4.68%
progress 2.76%
peace 2.55%
difference 2.34%
motion 2.02%
agreement 1.91%
每页显示:    共 44