11.   The most striking feature of the Labour candidate list is the rise of the professional politicians.

12.   Its height is the striking feature and this is emphasised by the spire.

13.   A striking feature of all these initiatives is their use of analogue technology.

14.   Its most striking features are an intense pre-occupation with weight and shape and a relentless pursuit of thinness.

15.   Often the only striking feature of such a representation is the very erratic behaviour of the observations in relation to time.

16.   Another striking feature of post-Soviet Russian studies is that the old ideological rift is gradually giving way to a generational divide.

17.   A striking feature of the gathering this year was the prominence of chief information officers of old-line companies like American Airlines and General Motors.

18.   A striking feature of that study was the declining role of formal political parties.

19.   A striking feature of the laboratory findings was that they held for all of the wide variety of human cancers known as solid tumors.

20.   A striking feature of the last several decades is that the share of manufacturing in the overall economy has remained rock steady.

a. + feature >>共 1272
new 7.89%
standard 1.93%
special 1.92%
main 1.81%
regular 1.72%
common 1.69%
facial 1.65%
important 1.51%
key 1.48%
animated 1.34%
striking 0.88%
striking + n. >>共 701
worker 11.36%
distance 8.21%
player 3.13%
resemblance 2.54%
example 2.18%
contrast 1.82%
employee 1.76%
pilot 1.73%
feature 1.63%
similarity 1.63%
每页显示:    共 50