11.   Rolfe Shellenberger, a national air travel consultant, suggested stricter security measures may be needed to screen airport workers.

12.   Samta Patel said she would prefer to let Americans set stricter security standards.

13.   Shetty said the borders and seaports might prove to be a much better market for Ancore than airports, which have a stricter security certification process.

14.   That changed Wednesday, as the agency announced new, far stricter security guidelines for airports nationwide.

15.   The airline has instituted stricter security measures on the ground.

16.   The bill would funnel money immediately into hiring more customs agents and security guards and would impose stricter security procedures at ports.

17.   The federal government would set stricter security standards and would train, test and supervise baggage and passenger screeners.

18.   The stricter security standards that the government has adopted in recent years have added to the lines, as well.

19.   The stricter security is not limited to New York-area airports, however.

20.   The security provisions in the bill would not take effect in New York City, which already has stricter security rules for teller machines.

a. + security >>共 589
national 11.40%
palestinian 8.22%
israeli 3.99%
tight 3.50%
new 3.07%
state 2.36%
lebanese 2.28%
heavy 1.39%
regional 1.37%
russian 1.35%
stricter 0.15%
stricter + n. >>共 244
control 9.71%
rule 9.01%
regulation 6.56%
standard 6.35%
enforcement 4.82%
law 3.98%
guideline 3.28%
security 3.14%
limit 3.00%
measure 2.51%
每页显示:    共 45