11.   Israeli-Palestinian negotiations have been stalled for months.

12.   Negotiations are stalled in a dispute over disarmament of the IRA.

13.   Negotiations were stalled.

14.   Negotiations are stalled, and now the dams threaten to reduce the supply downstream.

15.   The Blue Jays are among five teams Irabu cannot be traded to, according to an American League official, and that stalled the negotiations.

16.   The abortion issue has stalled negotiations between House and Senate lawmakers and congressional aides say they have no idea when the defense budget stalemate will be broken.

17.   The refusal to release Pollard stalled the negotiations for several hours as Clinton and Netanyahu attempted to work out a deal for the convicted spy.

18.   Those attacks have stalled negotiations on expansion of Palestinian autonomy to other areas of the West Bank.

19.   Tuesday, Thomas Kelley, a deputy general counsel at the bureau, said the negotiations were not stalled.

20.   Zoellick was not specific about why he felt Japan had stalled negotiations.

v. + negotiation >>共 547
resume 10.28%
begin 8.41%
continue 4.23%
start 3.86%
hold 3.72%
open 3.26%
conduct 2.43%
restart 2.43%
complete 2.24%
suspend 2.07%
stall 0.98%
stall + n. >>共 302
talk 11.41%
negotiation 5.44%
effort 4.16%
process 3.85%
bill 3.85%
legislation 3.02%
reform 2.95%
progress 2.72%
project 2.49%
plan 2.42%
每页显示:    共 72