11.   The spread indicates the risk premium investors demand to buy gilts rather than bunds.

12.   The spread indicates the risk premium investors demand to invest in gilts rather than bunds.

13.   The spread indicates the risk premium investors are demanding to invest in gilts rather than bunds.

14.   The spread indicates the risk premium demanded by investors to invest in gilts rather than bunds.

15.   The spread indicates the extra risk investors are demanding to invest in gilts rather than bunds.

16.   The spread indicates the risk premium investors demand to invest in gilts rather than bunds or Treasuries.

17.   The spread indicates the risk premium investors demand to own French, rather than German, government debt.

18.   The widening spread indicates investors think bunds are a better risk than Treasuries.

19.   However, a broad spread of forecasts indicates the difficulty analysts have had in estimating the Qantas result.

20.   Witnesses said the speed with which the fire spread could indicate petrol was used.

n. + indicate >>共 1373
report 10.25%
poll 7.03%
official 5.80%
study 3.65%
record 2.21%
survey 2.17%
evidence 1.89%
result 1.86%
research 1.73%
test 1.67%
spread 0.21%
spread + v. >>共 140
be 30.96%
narrow 5.50%
widen 4.68%
indicate 4.07%
reflect 3.46%
suggest 2.24%
include 2.04%
mean 1.83%
imply 1.43%
have 1.43%
每页显示:    共 20