11.   A White House spokesman dismissed the affair as only something that concerns the news media.

12.   But a government spokesman dismissed the allegations as sour grapes, saying it was stated in the tender documents that the highest bid would not necessarily be accepted.

13.   Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhu dismissed explanations that the bombing resulted from misinformation by CIA target planners.

14.   However, some Jewish spokesmen here dismissed her assertion as of little practical significance.

15.   In Islamabad, a government spokesman dismissed the radio report.

16.   Police spokesmen dismiss these subway statistics as random spikes.

17.   The spokesman also dismisses the idea that MS and BSE are the same.

18.   A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman also dismissed U.S. claims that the plane is sovereign American territory and therefore that Chinese officials had no right to board it.

19.   A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman also dismissed U.S. claims that the plane was sovereign American territory and therefore Chinese officials had no right to board it.

20.   A NATO spokesman dismissed media speculation that the seven were stragglers from the former eastern Muslim enclaves of Srebrenica and Zepa that were overrun last summer by Serb forces.

n. + dismiss >>共 481
official 12.83%
judge 10.47%
court 5.63%
government 4.94%
analyst 2.51%
critic 2.36%
company 2.00%
leader 1.89%
president 1.71%
spokesman 1.53%
spokesman + v. >>共 125
say 70.48%
decline 5.68%
confirm 2.65%
deny 2.20%
tell 2.08%
be 1.95%
refuse 1.86%
add 1.62%
have 0.63%
comment 0.45%
dismiss 0.21%
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