11.   Gather the pods in a paper bag when they turn brown and brittle and start to split open.

12.   He wears a Band-Aid across the bridge of his nose to hide the cut, which splits open regularly.

13.   Her skin cracked and split open.

14.   If they are allowed to dry out and then watered heavily, they will respond with such exuberant growth that they split wide open.

15.   Now that the flowers are spent, I can gather this native weed for its attractive brown pods, which look like wooden tulips after they split open.

16.   Or just split wide open.

17.   Space split open by the bullet.

18.   Some climb and then drop vertiginously with no warning, while others split open or have undulating walls that drag your spaceship in various directions.

19.   That deep, earth-rending rumble you just heard was the sound of the credibility gap splitting wide open, about to swallow another Hawks season.

20.   The ATBs, which split open on impact, will eventually be made from biodegradable oatmeal or peat moss.

v. + open >>共 155
split 6.53%
burst 6.37%
pop 4.52%
pry 4.19%
slide 4.02%
throw 3.35%
crack 3.02%
hang 2.85%
rip 2.68%
leave 2.51%
split + n. >>共 828
time 7.41%
vote 3.06%
party 2.49%
difference 2.38%
cost 2.16%
country 1.98%
family 1.92%
company 1.87%
profit 1.73%
money 1.73%
open 1.06%
每页显示:    共 39