11.   Caruso knows he cannot tally up customer faith in his institution like so much spare change.

12.   Children were paid spare change to hand out fliers telling of the grand games between rival resorts.

13.   Coffee drinkers and homeless people looking for spare change are among the groups most familiar with the cups in New York.

14.   Did you really not have any spare change for the guy who approached you on the street?

15.   Enrolled at a Los Angeles college, he earns spare change by selling fake IDs or helping other students cheat on their exams through a system involving pagers.

16.   Fortunately he had spare change for a drink or three, and a phone call.

17.   For others, it is literally spare change when needed.

18.   He got a lot of spare change, many small checks and a few big ones.

19.   He had sometimes given spare change to several of them.

20.   He helped Butch out, running errands and collecting money for spare change and a place to live.

a. + change >>共 804
major 5.67%
significant 3.47%
proposed 3.24%
big 2.49%
political 2.43%
radical 2.21%
dramatic 2.21%
constitutional 1.94%
fundamental 1.81%
sweeping 1.73%
spare 0.36%
spare + n. >>共 350
part 34.28%
time 22.56%
tire 3.27%
bedroom 2.87%
change 2.75%
room 2.31%
capacity 1.87%
cash 1.67%
moment 1.51%
car 1.32%
每页显示:    共 69